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Our short-term team from the Well was sent to São Paulo, Brazil on April 8th-18th to visit Bob and Martha Robbins, The Well's first international church planters! The focus for this trip was primarily for encouragement and building up The Robbins in their ministry and lives as well as their faithful church leaders and members. We also had the opportunity to partner and serve with a local nonprofit and education center, IBTE, that provides an after school program for kids in a drug heavy, impoverished community called Cracolandia through Vacation Bible School.

We arrived on Saturday and had the opportunity to celebrate the "Sampa faithful" at dinner. As we ate and got to know one another, we got to hear how each person has served and has impacted Sampa church and the Robbin's lives during their 5 years in Brazil. It was beautiful to see the people that the Lord has gathered around the Robbin's to help support and build the church in São Paulo as well as be strong, Christ-centered community for them.

Our team was reminded how we serve the same God across the globe and how powerful the body of Christ is for building up one another and pointing one another to Christ. Personally, I was incredibly encouraged by the ways that each member serves the church and the testimonies of God moving in each of their lives.

On our first Sunday in São Paulo, KC and Krys, two of our Elders at The Well, lead worship alongside Sampa's worship team and KC led the church through a message on “Life is short but eternity is forever”. He challenged us to reorient our hearts and minds to what Jesus would have for our lives and encouraged and reminded us of God's faithfulness to bring peace when suffering comes and that life in Jesus is one of life, hope, and peace. Praise God for the hope we have through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

Around 50 people were in attendance and we got to spend hours after service getting to know one another and at lunch together afterwards.

Recently, Sampa church had to move their meeting place from a hotel to movie theatre. They've faced challenges that come with moving yet the church body was eager to help other members continue to attend church in the midst of challenging transportation or lengthy car rides. São Paulo is the 4th largest city in the world and people will drive on average 1-2 hours to go anywhere! Most people use public transportation like the metro, buses or trains. One of the faithful members of Sampa shared how this was normal in Brazil but also how worthy Christ is to be worshiped and how worthy He is to gather together as the body of Christ to worship Him.

The Robbin's have created a beautiful space to worship our Lord and it was incredible to see what God is doing through them and their ministry in Brazil.

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Image by Nadia Meli

We believe Jesus was serious when He said to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, so we desire to do just that. We do not only want to briefly help people by doing short-term mission trips, but also build sustaining relationships and be a consistent help by sending long-term missionaries, businesses, and anything else that will help carry the gospel overseas.




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